The history of Canada dates back hundreds of years before the first written records. When Europeans first landed on the coast of Canada, its territory has been already inhabited by a large number of Indian tribes.
The Indian tribes have evolved incredibly quickly. This fact is supported by archeological findings from the Bluefish bay, in Yukon. When European sailors landed in Canada in 1500, the aboriginal people has been perfectly adapted to the harsh local conditions, and possessed advanced technologies οf the time. With the lapse of time, the European conquerors destroyed most of the Indian civilization. Loss of land, war and endless diseases significantly reduced the aboriginal population. In the period between the First and Second World Wars, Canada was gradually moving towards the independence from the British Commonwealth. During the Second World War, the country fought against the Nazis.
December 15, 1964 became a notable date in the history of Canada. On this day, the state parliament approved the country’s official flag – a red and white cloth with a maple leaf. The red bands represent the oceans’ borders and the maple leaf is the main symbol of Canada. Today, photo of Canada attract quite a big number of tourists wishing to further explore the history of this great country.