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Of course, you may select and buy a home on your own. In this case, you will use such information sources as advertising in newspapers, magazines, on TV, or simply in the streets. However, only 15 – 20% of all property for sale is advertised in such way. The majority of Canadians prefer to use services of professional real estate agents for the following reasons: Firstly, almost all real estate for sale (95%) in Canada is listed in a specialized computer network called MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE (MLS), which may be accessed only by licensed real estate agents. The real estate agent will help you to choose the best offer at the best cost, among the large number. An experienced real estate expert can assess one or another property for sale quickly and correctly, to determine all its pros and cons, to recommend or to abstain from buying it. Secondly, a real estate agent can only be a trained specialist who has a license issued by a special government body based on the completion of a series of professional courses. Moreover, this license is issued for a limited period, during which the agent must take a range of special courses and successfully pass relevant exams, covering the principles of property evaluation, legislation and financing. An important point is that the buyer does not pay for real estate agent’s services. In Canada, there is a system based on which the seller pays a fee to the agent when selling a house. If you plan to buy a house (or apartment) in Canada, use the services of Russian-speaking real estate agents. They will really help you to choose the house of your dreams that will fully meet all your requirements and criteria (including financial), as well as: ⦁ provide full information about the real estate market and help to determine the price range of a house to look for; ⦁ accurately calculate the amount needed for the house maintenance, including bank fee, property taxes, insurance, utilities etc ; ⦁ organize visits of houses or apartments for sale, in accordance with the financial capabilities and desired criteria of the buyer ; ⦁ help to understand the different aspects of financing and assist in obtaining a mortgage on best terms; ⦁ take care of all the troubles connected with negotiations with the seller; ⦁ arrange a technical home inspection; ⦁ help with the legal registration of the deal; Real estate agents will also monitor the whole process of concluding a purchase contract from the first to the last step. Technical inspection of the house: what is it for? Buying a home for most families is probably the biggest purchase in life, and the most advantageous investment. Therefore, it is so important to know everything about the future purchase, because the technology of house building in Canada has its special features, which only a specialist may understood. Typically, Canadians use services of a professional technical inspector to find out about poperty’s condition and how much money is required for repairs. Inspector shall prepare a written report on the technical condition of housing: worn-out roofs, cracks in the walls, condition of the supporting structure, presence of a waterproof coat in the basement, condition of the heating system and electric wiring, ventilation, presence of termites, etc. At the end of the report inspectors usually provides recommendations for house maintenance and reparations, you need to perform. The report on the house technical inspection may be used during the bidding on the cost of the house. Services of a technical inspector depend on the size and age of the house, as well as the area of its location. Remember: A good agent will save your time and money! Important Information: The conclusion of the purchase contract is a serious legal procedure. When the parties decide on the settlement of a deal, the contract is adopted in its final form. This is confirmed by the offer acceptance. At this point, an offer of purchase turns into Agreement of Purchase and Sale. Each party becomes bound by the terms specified in the offer accepted by both parties, which is a legal document. Once you signed the final version of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale, a purchase contract shall be deemed concluded. Usually at this stage, the buyer transfers to the seller’s brokerage a deposit, which shows the seriousness of intentions. The buyer includes into the Agreement of Purchase and Sale conditions under which the transaction can take place. In particular, the most common conditions are: 1. obtaining a mortgage loan on real estate. Most often the property is purchased with the assistance of a mortgage loan from a bank or a financial institution, much rarely the deal is fully paid in cash. Since there is always a risk that a loan may not be obtained, or the loan interest rate will be too high, the purchser usually includes a specific clause into the agreement against such situations. This clause states that if a morgage is not received, or the interest rate is higher than stipulated in the agreement, the Agreement of Purchase and Sale is canceled. Usually 5-7 business days are allocated for the fulfillment of this condition. This period is stipulated in the contract. 2. carrying out of technical inspection. Recently, almost all the buyers include a clause on technical inspection in the agreement. This inspection must be carried out within a specified time (usually within a week). If the buyer is not satisfied with the technical inspection results, he/she has the right to cancel the purchase. Also, sometimes, if the inspection founds any problems or defects, it gives a reason to negotiate with the correction of defects or a price reduction. As this clause does not specify which technical inspection defects can serve as a basis for agreement cancelation, this is a loophole through which the buyer can safely get out of the agreement, by simply referring to the fact that he/she was not satisfied with the results of the inspection. 3. The sale of property owned by the buyer. This condition is added to the agreement in the event that the buyer must first sell his/her house or apartment and then invest the money from the sold property in the real estate indicated in the signed Agreement of Purchase and Sale. The buyer may specify the condition under which, the Agreement of Purchase and Sale is cancelled, if he/she could not sell the property. Once the buyer has fulfilled all the terms of the agreemnt (obtaining a mortgage, conducting technical inspections, etc.), the initiative passes to the buyer’s lawyer, who shall conduct a legal review of the deal. Primarily the Title Search is being conducted, which verifies if the information communicated by the seller is correct. Also, the lawyer checks whether no one lay claims on the property, except persons acting as the seller under the agreement, whether there are no lawsuits on the property, no outstanding debt, which can be transfered to the buyer etc. The objective of the lawyer is to prepare the deal so that the buyer has no problems later on. On the closing date of the transaction (Closing date, specified in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale), after all the terms of the agreement have been met, you have to make all necessary payments, namely : the downpayment, after deducting the earlier payment – deposit, to pay lawyer’s services, state taxes and fees, etc. After that the act of property rights transfer is being registered in the relevant municipal authority (Registry or Land Titles Office). Registration of the transfer of rights is usually conducted by the buyer’s lawyers and the seller’s lawyers, shall draw up the so -called Transfer / Deed of Land. This document grants the buyer the ownership of the purchased property. Since then, the buyer becomes the rightful owner of the purchased property. Buying a home is a a very important and responsible step, use the help of professionals!


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