In the framework of the International Experience Canada (IEC), young individuals aged 18 – 35 may choose from up to three categories, that will allow them to travel and work in Canada during 1 year. The three categories are Working Holiday, Young Professionals, and International Co-op. The requirements for each category differ by age, work term, and possibility of extension.
Basically, this program is available only to citizens of countries that signed a bilateral agreement with Canada on youth mobility, namely Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Spain, Ukraine. 32 countries overall. Citizens of other countries, such as Israel, Moldova, Russia, may participate to the program through seven recognized organizations, that usually offer paid trainings not only in Canada but also in the United States.
The application for IEC is reviews by civil services of Canada in two stages. Firstly, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, based on its requirements, then by the Citizenship and Immigration Canada according to its requirements.
IEC is a reasonable way to further permanent residence application. In most cases, work permit under the IEC categories is issued for 12 months, that makes possible to gain necessary experience to apply for permanent residence permit under Canadian Experience Class. If a work permit is issued for less than 12 months, the time spent in Canada may be used to search for a potential employer who will be interested in offering you a long-term contract of employment and supporting your application for permanent residence in future through the Express Entry system. We remind you that according to Canadian Experience Class category, you must prove 1 year of continuous full-time skilled work experience in a Canadian company. Canadian Experience Class is not considering individuals with low-skilled occupations experience such as operational staff, drivers, equipment operators, and so on.
Canadian companies are enthusiastically considering employing young experts under IEC program. Because in case of mutual interest, the candidates who have already gained experience can stay in the company, taking advantage of other immigration programs, both provincial and federal.
Due to differences in immigration legislation between Canada and the United States, it is sometimes easier to obtain a visa to enter the US, especially visa of type J1, which is issued for students and young professionals training programs. During work, the participants receive a $ 1,000 USD scholarship, as well as free accommodation / meals. All other expenses are covered by the participants.
It is possible to take trainings in the following industries:
⦁ Agriculture (breeding of pedigree horses, cattle farms, wineries, etc.)
⦁ Hospitality
⦁ Economy and Commerce
⦁ Сomputer and other technologies
Individuals wishing to obtain a US visa for a training in one of the mentioned areas must match specific requirements. The main requirements are: age between 18 and 35, status of a student in the country of residence or proof of young specialist professional experience, the average level of language proficiency, which is determined during an interview on Skype with the interested party.
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