The first thing to do after arriving in Canada is to apply for a Permanent Resident Card. Documents can be submitted to one of the “ports of entry” (border crossing) in Canada. Then, documents are sent to the state service to decide whether you meet the basic terms or not. An important issue for a Canadian resident is to find a temporary accommodation. A regular purchase of newspapers, which post respective ads will greatly facilitate the search. At the beginning, you can find a cheap room in a hotel or a Resettlement House. In the next seven days, you need to remember transport routes and the map of the city.
It is mandatory to buy a phone book. The book contains addresses and phone numbers of public services of Canada. Also, contact the Canadian immigration center in your city (its phone number should be listed in the phone book).
It is important for each immigrant to get a card with a social security number and a health insurance card. The first card is particularly necessary for every citizen, as it has to be always presented when applying for any job, pension, benefits or when opening bank accounts.